Selasa, Mei 29, 2018


K'rajaan-Mu datanglah
Kehendak-Mu jadilah
Di bumi tercinta
Alam maut tak berkuasa
Pintu surga terbukalah
Kes'lamatan tiba
Kuasa dosa di patahkan-Nya

Kegelapan tak berkuasa
Kitalah umat pilihan-Nya
Bangkitlah, rebutlah jiwa-jiwa


Hale hale halelu, hale hale 
haleluya, Yesus Tuhan
Hale hale halelu, hale hale 
haleluya, memerintah
Hale hale halelu, hale hale 
haleluya, segala bangsa
Hale hale halelu, hale hale 
haleluya, hidup selamanya

Let your kingdom come o, Lord
And your will be done on earth
As it is in heaven
The gates of hell shall not preveil
And the heavens door wide open
Salvation for the world

The bounds of sins he comes to break away
Darkness has no pow'r at all
We are the chosen generation
Come a rise, reap the world for the world

Hale hale halelu, hale hale haleluya,
Jesus is Lord
Hale hale halelu, hale hale haleluya,
Reign in glory
Hale hale halelu, hale hale haleluya,
Alive forever
Hale hale halelu, hale hale haleluya,

Over all the earth

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